Property Investors
We have a wealth of experience in property investment where specialists can help in one particular area, there are not many that have the Property, Tax, Legal, SMSF and Financing experience that together allows us to develop strategies that enables an investor to purchase, Fund, sell and retain property in a manner that achieves the objectives of the individual.
We received referrals of clients from other accountants and often are appointed to the property trusts as accountants and leave the individual and or business entities to the referring accountant. This way the client has two accountants to draw upon and the accountants can call each other to keep each in the loop, we find this does not increase cost but rather allow the client to have two accountants for the price of one !
Click her to find out more about <property structure> or call Richard on +61 (0)412356755 for a meeting now or <click here> to contact another member of our team.