About Us

Our Team & Experience

Our Experience is drawn from over 20 years in areas including accounting, taxation, business advisory, finance, Investment and property.


Our staff, and that of our sister businesses, have qualifications including bachelor of commerce, bachelors of business, Graduate Diploma in Accounting and members of various professional associations.

Like many professional accounting practices, our clients have come to us mainly through client referal. We are happy to accept appointments to these clients as they come to us through a trusted source….our existing clients. Accordingly our clients exhibit varied backgrounds, industries, and sizes. We have individuals and families and salary and wage earners, sole direct companies such as professional persons to trades, to businesess with 50 or more staff. Our industries range from health, mining, professional services, agriculture, to property to mention a few.

Mercia experience is drawn from Government, Various Public Practices Commerce including Mining , Agriculture, Investment and Property.

Our expertise has involved assisting clients in many areas including:

  • Business purchase/sale/closure – We have worked with Companies and liquidators/administrators to negotiate and structure the purchase of businesses, in various stages of their lifecylce, including in administration for the benefit of a client. We have worked with creditors implementing and assisting in all stage of administration/part 10 and liquidation.
  • Business Expansion (equity/finance) – Our commercial financing expertise and capital raising (stock market or private equity raising) has enabled us to facilitate expansion of clients businesses.
  • In specie distribution – the restructure of business structures to minimise taxes and increase asset protection.
  • Property Development – assistance in entity structuring, financing, private funds raising, and all tax and corporate compliance.
  • Business Advisory and Taxation – all aspects of advisory and statutory obligations.
  • Current client Industries include: ASX Listed Investment, Property Developers, Building & Construction, Architects, Fishing, Farmers, Mining Drillers & Contractors, Engineering, Contractors, Importers/Exporters/Shipping Agents, Doctors, Veterinarians, Retailers(Motor Vehicle Dealers, Furniture, etc.

Our advice and clients are appropriate to Individual’s, Small Business & medium Business and depending on the industry ASX/IPO’s.


Our team includes senior accountants who provide advice and direct telephone contact support to our clients on all matters involving, tax, accounting and business advisory. together with identifying opportunities for client asset protection, cost savings or investment opportunities. Our intermediary and graduates assist in all routine tax & bookkeeping and statutory obligations. We pride ourselves on assisting our clients achieving their goals and being a life line support for business advice. We are proud to have shared the journey of our client experiences and enjoy the good close working relationship we have.